Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Range Graded Proportional Circle Map

This is a Range Graded Proportional Circle Map of commune inhabitance in Zurich. This method avoids overcrowding.


Continuously Variable Proportional Circle Map

This is a CVPC Map of the Czech Republic. Unlike the other circle type maps this one show variations within each circle.


Isopach Map

This is an Isopach Map of a volcano. Like other Iso maps they show the contour elevations of a certain area. This one shows flow area.


Isohyet Map

This is an Isohyet Map of Colorado State University. They are considered contour lines showing elevation.


Isotach Map

Isotach maps are maps showing wind direction. This is one show 500 mb of wind speed.


Isobar Map

This is an example of an Isobar Map. They show the continuous elevation of a certain area.


Cadastral Map

This is a Cadastral Map of Dobromil in 1852. These maps show a comprehensive register of the metes-and-bounds real property of a county. They show ownership.
